Do you ever find yourself wishing for just one day of premium golfing experience? Maybe you’re pressed for time, or perhaps you’ve realised a clinic is the next best stepping stone to improving your game. Whatever the reason, if you are ready to dip your toes into the world of professional golf coaching, Go Lo Pro has the perfect solution – our 1-day golf clinics!

Immersion in a Day

Nestled in the heart of the iconic Kooralbyn Golf Course, our 1-day golf clinics are designed for those eager to absorb as much as possible in a limited time. Our golf clinics for beginners to experts offer a taste of our renowned 4-day program. Expect a jam-packed day filled with insightful sessions, hands-on coaching, and genuine fun.

Intimacy with Your PGA Pro

One of our top USPs – personal coaching sessions with the likes of renowned PGA golfers such as Randall Vines and Alan Cooper. This isn’t just any adult golf clinic; it’s a chance to learn from the best in a closely-knit setting.

What To Expect

From swing analysis to short-game assessments, the Go Lo Pro team brings an array of workshops right to your tee. These are not generic lessons but targeted strategies aimed at lowering your AGU handicap, ensuring you leave with tangible skills.

Value Beyond the Green

While we pride ourselves in our expert coaching, we’re equally passionate about ensuring you have a fantastic time. Experience a holistic approach, complete with meals, at Kooralbyn's award-winning golf course and resort.

A. While our 4-day program offers a deeper dive, our 1-day golf clinics provide a concise yet comprehensive overview, focusing on the essential skills and drills developed to help you lower your handicap.
A. Absolutely! We cater to golf enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned golfer, our clinics offer valuable insights for everyone.
A. Simply head over to our main website at Go Lo Pro and navigate to our program section for booking details.

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In the spirit of making every moment count, our 1-day golf clinic is an intensive blend of professional insight and relaxed fun. Ready to elevate your game in a day? With Go Lo Pro, you'll not only shoot low but also grow exponentially as a golfer. Join us and let's make that golf dream a reality in just one day!
Sign Up Now!

Remember, Go Lo Pro isn't just about teaching you golf; it's about creating an experience— one that resonates both on and off the green. So, for an unforgettable day of learning and laughter, make sure you book your spot at our next clinic. Because with Go Lo Pro, every swing counts!